My goal with 28 Day Bikini Body Envy Program is to teach you how to live a healthy, balanced life, where you will be the envy.
It’s not a quick fix with magic potions and unrealistic promises to your health goals.
It teaches you to make healthy nutritional choices and make time to exercise regardless of your schedule and fitness level.
Each week, you will receive your workout for the week, (specific to each day). You can choose what time of the day you prefer to workout. Please ensure you have had something to eat prior to working out. If you are working out early in the mornings, one of the delicious and healthy smoothies included, the 28 Day Bikini Body Envy Nutrition guide is great.
Prior to every workout, please ensure you perform the warm ups included. Warm ups are important as they help to prepare your body for the workout ahead.
Here’s what you’ll receive with the 28 Day Bikini Body Envy Program E-book:
• Digital downloadable PDF E-book that’s yours once downloaded
• Easily accessible from your mobile device
• 4 weeks nutrition meal plan
• 4 weeks grocery list downloadable
Let us help you lose belly fat from the comfort of your home without restrictive diets, counting calories or spending hours a day in the gym.
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