New Year, New You ! - Train With Trudie        New Year, New You ! - Train With Trudie

New Year, New You !

 In Exercises, Fitness, Healthy Living, Motivation, Personal Training

New Year, New You!

This seems to be the trending hash tag and I must admit that I’m just as guilty as the next person for using it. But exactly what does new year, new you means?

How will you be different from last year and the years prior?

What actions are you taking to ensure that this year you will definitely be a new you.

When you leave home in the mornings you know have a specific destination, if not you would be wondering around aimlessly. Well the same is true for your goals.

Of course everyone wants to be healthy and that definition varies from person to person.

First, decide exactly what being a new you mean. Figure out exactly what this means to you. Whether it means being able to complete a set of 10 burpees without experiencing heart palpitation or being able to complete 10 squats with perfect form or technique. The more specific you are in your quest, the higher your chances achieving them are.

You’ve decided on exactly what being a new you for 2016 is, next up is tracking your progress. Good old fashion writing it down!! Remember when you had a journal to write your feelings, well I suggest you get one to track your progress. Record keeping is a great way to monitor not only your progress, but also any set backs you may face. This helps you determine if you’re ahead of your goal and it not changes need to be made to ensure you achieve this goal.

Patience, we’ve all heard the saying, patience is a virtue. This is true for all aspects including our health and fitness. Please be patient with your body and mind goal and enjoy the process.  Instead of getting frustrated with yourself and thinking of giving up because it may be taking a while, simply focus on how far you have come.  Enjoy the process and celebrate small wins.

Whatever your goals are for 2016, I hope the tips I offered will I help you achieve them.

Please feel free to share with me some of your New Year New You goals and how you plan on achieving them.

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