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My Life Outside the Gym

 In Healthy Living

It’s ironic, here I am in my 30’s and my friends think I’m experiencing a mid life crisis. No! I’m not debating on becoming a cougar, (been there done that) and neither am I interested in jumping out of a plane 13,000 feet in the air, (well at least not at the moment). The fact that I have taken an incline to becoming more physically active have my closest friends perplexed as to who I am.

For years, my definition of being physically active was revolved around a gym environment which included weight training, cardio, practicing Yoga, and/or Pilates until I discovered other activities that were equally as challenging and physically effective.

I enjoy setting goals for myself and sure enough for 2014 I had a long list of both personal and professional desires to accomplish by the end of the year.  Some of those personal goals involve me expanding my arsenal of physical activities, which involve participating in a marathon (either 5k or 10k Run, I’m not quite ready for a full 42km run yet), climbing the CN Tower, learning to swim (believe me this island girl can’t swim, not yet at least)  skate and box.

After making this list it was only right to review it a few times and of course a girl needs to run these things by her friends… Of course they all thought I was crazy in a good kind of way.

The Mississauga Marathon  will be on Sunday May 4, 2014 and I will be a participant of the 5Km run on Saturday May 3, 2014 . I’m excited and nervous at the same time as this is  a new adventure. I’m currently in preparation mode for my 5km run; on March 30 I started running approx. 2-3 times per week and my goal is to complete the race in 30 minutes or less, 27 min to be exact (maybe a bit ambitious considering it’s my first 5km).

In addition, I’ve registered for the 25km bike ride for Becel Heart and Stroke Foundation this summer, which should be fun given that I only recently learned  to ride a bicycle ( yes you’re reading correctly).

Boxing started in February and swimming kicked off in Mid-March, I will be skating and playing tennis as well. With all these new challenges I look forward to a physical life outside of the gym.  Living and enjoying life is all about new experiences and  pushing yourself to try things outside the “box”.  This is not a mid-life crisis, I’m merely a woman who’s continuously discovering other ways to grow while expanding my mind and who I am has a fabulous mature woman.

In conclusion, I should thank my amazing 11 year old nephew who has been such an inspiration as he’s physically active and enjoys the outdoor life. He was completely mortified when he learnt I was unable to swim or skate.    By learning these things I’m able to bond with him that much more and of course who doesn’t not want to be considered the “cool” aunty.

Regardless of the activities I decide to participate in, I definitely won’t cease weight training..  What can I say, “I’m a weights girl for life”.


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