7 Tips to Spring Into Fitness !!!
It’s almost that time of the year already.
You know, the one where the flowers are blooming bright, the trees are greener than ever. The winter snow starts to melt away and the weather turns to positive digits. The sun starts showing its face again and we all begin to shed the annoying amount of layers we’re forced to wear in order to embrace the changing climate.
That’s right.
Spring is OFFICIALLY HERE, well 2 days, but who’s counting? Get out your sneakers and capri pants because it’s time to strip into WAY more comfy clothing. Spring is the time for rebirth; it’s a transitional time to evaluate yourself and see what you can still improve upon before summer gets here. It’s a time to see how harsh winter has been on your soul and a total opportunity to cleanse your body and soul and jump back into a healthy lifestyle. So, shrug off that sluggish feeling gnawing at the back of your mind, get active and fresh with some quick tips on how to jumpstart your fitness routine this spring.
Spring clean your cupboards- You know all those “comfy” foods you’ve been hoarding all winter? Well it’s time to tell them “bye-bye”. Donate those foods you’ve been holding on to to a local shelter or something. Once you’ve done so, refill your fridge and cupboards with healthier options which will keep you full longer and aid in fat loss.
Purchase some new gear- I’m sure over the winter months you were hiding under layers of clothing to shield you from the cold. Now that was then and but not now! It’s spring, the perfect time to grab some new gear to lift your mood and spirits to get working. Try adding the colour blue when you go shopping for some new athletic gear has the hue blue has been shown to increase your confidence.
Start slow- Now, if you haven’t been active all winter, starting nice and slow is the way to increase your chances of success as you spring into fitness. Of course, the nicer weather may have you feeling ambitious and you’ll want to geo head on into a fitness routine, but remember that when you exercise you are applying stress to your body, good stress that is. Doing too much too fast may increase your risk of injury which of course will lead to you not being able to do much, if anything at all. Start nice and slow and progress from there, which is what “Trudie’s 30 Day Abs Jumpstart” is about.
Exercise outdoors- Embrace the warmer weather by taking your workouts outdoor! Grab some dumbbells, skipping rope or simply use your own body weight and hit up your local park and get your fitness on while enjoying the nicer weather. Working out outside in the sun can increase your mood and energy level so you’ll be killing 2 birds with 1 stone, getting fit while increasing your energy level and mood. #winning
Plan ahead- “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. Simply put, if you decide to workout without having a specific plan of action, you’ll simply be wasting your time and setting yourself up for failure. Before you workout, have a plan, know what exercises you’ll be performing as this will increase your productivity. When you Train With Trudie, you always have a plan. There’s no guess work involved. You know exactly what exercises you’ll be performing.
Enjoy seasonal veggies and fruits- Spring is the perfect time to hit up your local farmer’s market and scoop up some fresh, seasonal fruits and veggies. These new purchases will add some colour to your food while also helping you eat healthy. One thing you can do is make a shopping list before you head out and research recipes beforehand. This way, you’re saving money and ensuring you use the ingredients you’ve purchased.
Be patient- Listen, you didn’t gain the “winter” weight overnight, so please don’t expect to lose it overnight. It took a while for you to gain so please understand that it’ll take a while to lose it.
Remember, your body is a temple and taking care of it regardless of the time of year should be a priority. It should also be something you do to take care of and preserve your body, not to punish it. Hopefully, these tips will help you to jumpstart your fitness goals this spring.
Be sure to let me know how you’re keeping your body active this spring! I’d love to know!
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