6 WAYS TO ENJOY AVOCADO 🥑🥑 - Train With Trudie        6 WAYS TO ENJOY AVOCADO 🥑🥑 - Train With Trudie


 In Exercises, Fitness, Healthy Living, Motivation, Nutrition

Photo by Michael T Photography

I used to have one a day and then I stopped. That was when I heard they were “fat” and goodness gracious fat is bad for me, so naturally I wrote off avocado and decided not to have it again!

Well, clearly, that was before I became educated and learnt that yes while avocado is a fat, it’s the good kind (yes, some fats are good for us). Good fats like avocado can help us reduce inflammation, promote fat burning, improve brain function, and offer great benefits to our skin. Now does that sound so bad? No, it sounds like I gotta keep eating those avocados!

Avocados are also loaded with fiber that helps our digestive system, fat loss, and to stabilize our blood sugar. Here’s another jaw dropping fact about avocado, it contains more potassium than even a whole banana. Did your mouth hit the floor? 🤣🤣🤣🥑🥑🥑

Have you ever heard how good Gatorade is to replenish electrolytes, especially post workout? Well, avocado is even better as it doesn’t contain all that sugar that’ll just sit in our guts. They even help us sleep better.

There are so many quick and easy ways enjoy avocado in your meals and here are some of the ways I love them:

On Toast – “Avocado toast” is quickie, as I like to call it, for the simple fact of how quick it is to prepare. Just toast a few slices of bread, slice the avocado (before it goes bad) and place it on the bread with a lil added salt and/or cayenne pepper to make it a little spicy . Another way I like to jazz up my toast is to spread the avocado onto the toast and add vegetables, greens, smoked salmon or an egg just to name a few options. It’s an easy way to enjoy a meal that combines a fat, protein and carbohydrate all while being creative with your toppings to suit your likes.

Salad – I love adding it to my greens along with a variety of vegetables or fresh fruit especially in the summer, I mean a girl needs more than just kale and lettuce to feel full and satisfied 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️. Click HERE to check out my recent blog post on “My Favourite Summer Grilling Dishes” to see one of my favourite summer salads I’ve been making recently involving avocado!  Of course, because it’s healthy fat, it’ll keeper me full longer!


Guacamole – I mean who doesn’t love guacamole? It’s that perfect dish to bring to a party with some tortilla chips or a quick go to snack option with some fresh cut veggies. It’s sure to be a crowd favourite or satisfy your hunger in a healthy way. Not to mention, it is quick and easy to whip up, and if your avocados are soon to go bad guac’s got you covered!

Sides – whenever I prepare my meals, I always do a quick scan and ask if it contains the “macros”: a carbohydrate, a fat and a protein. If there’s no fat, I simply slice and add avocado and voila, there’s fat (I did mention it’s easy to add, didn’t I?)

Ice cream – Yep, this is a thing and as much as I love my avocados, I’m not that adventurous in having it as an ice cream. If you’re bold enough, here’s a recipe to TRY.

Smoothies –  Another way you can enjoy, is by adding it to your smoothie. Did you notice the operative word, “you?” Well that’s because I’m not adding avocado to my smoothie. Yes, it gives it a rich, thick, creamy taste and adds a lot of nutrients to your smoothie and is supposed to keep you fuller longer because of the fat content. That’s all fine and dandy by me, but I’ll stick to eating mine…thank you very much!

Few Tips On Avocado:

  • Once you’ve cut the avocado, pour lime or lemon juice (an acidic agent) on it to prevent it from turning brown. Then wrap it tightly to limit the exposure to air and refrigerate until next use.
  • Storage: If your avocados are “unripe” (firm and green) the best way to ripen them is to leave them out at room temperature away from direct sunlight. It can take anywhere from 4-5 days to ripen them. If your avocados are already “ripe” or ripening to quickly, then pop them in the fridge where they will last 2-3 days longer.

So there you have it, avocado is a fat, the healthy kind of course; it can be used in an array of ways and it’s a fruit!  Lol You seriously won’t be able to get enough once you try them.

I’ve shared my favourite ways to enjoy one of my favourite fruits, now it’s your turn. What’s your favourite way to enjoy avocado? Let me know by leaving a comment below!

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